by Bevin Parker-Evans
November 16, 2010 The National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) launched its new initiative, Victory for Women with the video below that uses music to inspire hope and awareness.
"We believe in the power of music to stir emotion and help people open their hearts to this incredible cause,” said Jordan. “We used the scarf in the video to show women they’re not alone."
Table 1-Music Metrics
Consumer Reaction E-Marketing Independent research by Dr Adrian North and Dr Hargreaves at Leicester University
“A review of the e-marketing literature indicates that the effects of music can play a role in purchase decision making process. A personalised music strategy can support a
brand and makes a powerful connection with specific target markets.”
Common practice in retail applies to E-marketing in spades
Selling is all about the customer experience, especially in the digital canals where people seem to swim these days. Any company worth its salt in business needs to be very good at supplying content that is engaging, enduring, enjoyable and emotional. Music is the best practice which supplies all four.
What do the experts say?
Bill Gates brought out his Windows 2000 product and talked about the “smooth transition” into the 21st century. On cue, an entire section of the stage floor actually lifted up to unveil Carlos Santana and the opening notes of his then mega-hit, "Smooth." Entertainment with marketing muscle. This was the clout of a groundbreaking idea which would be transferred to thousands of websites in e-marketing using the emotional appeal of music to sell a product.
Per the online magazine in an October 2010 article; “There is a new infusion of music and multimedia into the Starbucks new digital network. This new tool is making their website a bookmark.”
The website, says “If you want your product or service to make an emotional connection, include music in your messaging. Music is the language of emotion. If you want to produce a powerful emotional response (the holy grail in marketing to women) music is an essential tool in a marketer's tool belt.”
And finally, according to author Marc Melnick, “Products and services are consumed and forgotten. Experiences, on the other hand, are remembered.”
It is the savvy E-marketer who will turn an ordinary purchase into a memorable shopping experiences which can connect the customer with the store's brand also keep them coming back for m. Music as a powerful tool, is best practice of any E-marketing strategy.
“Shopping is a sensory experience, and the more senses you can involve in the sales experience, the more effective you'll be at generating an emotional response from your customers…” Marc Melnick
In Summary:
Music videos or products accompanied with music can provide the consumer with a connection which is deeper than the ordinary empty and soundless buying experience. Just like muzak which was originally created for the retail environment, E-markets need to supply emotional and auditory experiences to deepen the passions of the consumer
Click on the link below to see a Santa Fe real estate slide show with emotional content.
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