
Friday, April 22, 2011

My new Live Life Aloha Tees just arrived.  The quality of the shirts is great and the fit seems to be perfect.  I love them!

Get your Doggie T's and Water bottles now-cafe press information

Just wanted to remind everyone that our store may or may not be open after this course is finished at Cafe Press so now is the time to order your souvenir products for our team.  As a reminder, once you select-click on a product you then get an option of several colors for your T-shirt or other item.

Since there is a Company commission on your purchase, I will return the commission to you by mail - so the actual purchase price will be less than what is listed for our team.

Live Life Aloha!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Danielle's BLOG Post is great!

Check it out at

Danielle ....your post is awesome!  Photo really enhances the BLOG!  I think you have thrown down the gaunlet to the rest of us!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Back on-line and google analytics

Check out this great webinar on google analytics.  We will need this later for how we will measure our usage.  It's a great video and I really learned a lot.

My computer crisis:  I am temporarily borrowing a computer and finally back on-line this evening.  I have ordered a new computer which will arrive next week, so cross fingers this borrowed tool allows me to continue my work.

I will catch up on emails and blogs to see what is going on.  I'm  going to try to add a few tweets this evening.  We have 94 followers so far...please get 6 of your friends to follow our tweets to get our followers up over 100.   Go to twitter@livelifealoha and tweet something about our local wellness lifestyle at least once every other day.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Website is growing and GLOWING!-Kudos Bob

OMG!  The website looks great.  If you guys haven't seen it today, you really need to have a look.  Bob has taken it to a whole new level!  Great work Bob!

This is a huge huge add on today (body pages).  I can't even imagine how long it took you to do this.   Of course I love the Hawaiian value page also!!  The website looks great! 

Now I know where to go and what type of content you are lacking.  Thanks for leaving the fill in the blanks spaces for us to work with.  Everyone get on board and start filling in those exercise descriptions, activity descriptions and sending in food recipes or links. 

Also, FYI, I raided my friends facebook pages for some more activity pics from Kauai.  I'll send those along.  Don't worry, I asked my friends for permission to use.  Not sure how we protect our photos, but that is another subject we can discuss on Friday.  Bob, you are so owning this website.  It is awesome! 

Alana's post

Alana-I moved your livelifealoha BLOG post to my Blog wakeupandsmellthecoffee because we are trying to keep the livelifealoha BLOG site clean and clear and starting to post real business posts here only.  Sorry you missed the meeting.  We missed you! 

Aloha Team, I just wanted to update all of you that I am going to be working on step one in the situation analysis for the power point and I have been brainstorming ideas for of next group meeting. I also apologize for not being at the last meeting but I just started my second job and had to work all day. I will be prepared for our next meeting with my laptop and if I can help any one with anything please let me know. Thank you and I will see you all next Sunday. Alana :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What does one click do for you?

Oh my gosh, Someone must have clicked on an ad from Live Life Aloha because we earned one penny!  I'm sure it wasn't me and I think you guys wouldn't click, so it must be from one of our twitter followers.

The following chart is our very first CPM results and shows what one click will pay us from Adsense.  We don't get a check until we earn $100.00 so lets hope more of our twitter followers will click on our ads!   Our goal should be to buy everyone a t-shirt or product of their choice at the end of the class!  Think we can do it? see my new survey poll? 


Today's Earnings: 0.00

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Page impressionsClicksPage CTRPage eCPM ?Earnings
AdSense for Content9300.00%0.120.01

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Blog Posts are due! See calendar listing below.

Recapping the blog post due dates as assigned by Danielle Last week.

Date of Posting:
April 6 ~ Bob
April 9 ~ Bevin
April 13 ~ Daniela
April 16 ~ Shawna
April 20 ~ Jared
April 23 ~ Alana
April 27~ Brandy

BTW, I think all of the reading and writing about weight loss is working.  I've lost 3 pounds and following Alana's lead by taking a new class in Zumba!! 

My husband says he is surprized I haven't gained 10 lbs. due to the time sitting at the computer.

The Cost of In-bound Marketing

Bottom Line:

Routine Inbound Marketing: $9,450 per month
Special Projects: $2,000 - $10,000 per month
Budget Range: $115,400 - $200,000 per year

You could also work with an inbound marketing agency to package these services and be close to the $100,000+ range for a complete package.

There is also the option of trying to develop your own inbound marketing team.  Three things to consider include:
  1. Planning and Strategy - Do you have the expertise to do this, or do you need to hire a consultant? Do you have a social media policy in place? When do you plan to start? If you're already active in inbound marketing, where do you go from here?
  2. Hiring - Who's going to manage the operation? Do you have one or more experienced bloggers? Can they blog several times a week with an eye/aim towards improving SEO results? What about social networking? Do you have a team ready to engage, promote and monitor social media every day? What about putting together Facebook and Twitter campaigns? What about creating graphics and video for your inbound marketing blogs and campaigns? Somebody needs to analyze the results and make recommendations for new content and new strategies. People with these skill sets can be expensive.
  3. Fixed costs - Do you have an inbound-marketing-ready website, complete with blog, calls-to-action, landing pages, seo tools, analytics and reporting? You can do these things piecemeal, but what's the labour cost of compiling and analyzing results from diverse sources? If you purchase an integrated solution, like HubSpot, there's a monthly cost associated with the license. If you use other for-fee resources for webinar, video hosting, video production, or podcasting, you must figure those into your budget as well.
Alternative Solutions:
You may find that it's less expensive to at least start with an inbound marketing agency, build up your current team's experience with time, and avoid new hires. 

You could consider a scaled-back program, start with blogging and gradually build from there as budget allows.

Cost Savings Life Life Aloha-Budget Draft

While a recent HubSpot survey, the company who literally wrote the book on inbound marketing, revealed that inbound marketing cost per lead is 60% lower than traditional outbound marketing.

While the fixed costs of inbound marketing may be lower than traditional advertising and marketing,  the labour cost are higher.  The interesting part about inbound marketing is that  money alone will not dictate who is successful.  Whereas in traditional marketing channels, "he who spends the most, gets the most",with inbound marketing, there really is a greater value placed on developing relevant content and being genuine.  This has allowed many smaller organizations to compete with their much larger counterparts.

See items in RED for cost savings of Live Life Aloha.  All other costs are fixed and are listed in black print.  Costs are based on worst case scenario.


1. Average Rent @ $27.00 per square foot  X 1000 ft. = 2700.00 per month or $336.00 per employee plus $500.00 initial fees for outer islands.
                                                                                                $2700.00 per mo. HNL
                                                                                                $1509.00 per mo.Outer isles.

2. Property Building liability and fire and loss Insurance $1125.00 per year for small office and $1000.00 for employee workman’s comp.

                                                                                                $ 1125.00 annually fire&loss
                                                                                                $   ________ wkman’s comp
                                                                                                $   500.00 liability

3. Office Design-                      window coverings                     $ 1600.00 one time cost
Paint                                         $   350.00 materials- 5 yrs.
Paint                                         $ 3000.00 labor-5 yrs.
Shelving                                    $  750.00 fixed improve
Cabinets                                   $ 2500.00 fixed improve
Storage                                    $ 900.00 one time cost
Desk/workstation/computers     $ _________per employee
office equiptment                      $1600.00

4. Office Maintenance and Cleaning

                                                Cleaning services:                     $ 36,500.00 per annual
                                                Equipment maint.                      $   3,000.00 per annual
                                                New software                           $   ________per annual
                                                Utilities:                                    $    1,200.00 per month
Mail Center                              $   120.00  per month -15                                  
                                                                                                  letters per day.   
5.  Employee Costs:     
                                               Recruitment:                              $ ______per employee X 3 minimum
                                               Medical Costs                           $ ______per employee X 3 minimum
           Accounting                                $ ______consultant X 1 minimum
           Legal fees:                                 $ ______annually X 1 service
           Salaries:                                    $_______per  after 5 years-formula Double actual cost of salaries and then multiply X 3 minimum
           Payroll Taxes                            $ _______% of total salaries.X 3 min.
                                              Other Perks for employees         $ _______annual. per emp.X 3 min.
                                               Customer Service                      $ 84,000 Free Voice mail and/FAQ and on-line troubleshooting
IT Dept.                                   $ 42,000 per year consulting cost
Distribution:                              $ 4,600.00=.92 X 5000 customers = Direct mail cost Free Product uses digital delivery of news and
Pricing of Products                   1-3% of annual total profit- Competitve gain Free Everyday elasticity
Online reduction of taxes          Up to 20% of on-line sales total-Business occurs across state lines-meaning tax collection may not be necessary

6. Advertisement:
Shopping agents                       $ 13% of total on-line sales -Other websites lead business to your door.
Telephone Costs                       $ 250.00 per employee
Telephone Book                       $ 2400.00 -200.00 per month
Search Engine MKT.                $  299.00 annually -Free with webhost
Print Ads                                  $ 10,400 -200 per week X 52
Radio/TV ads                           $  20, 800- 400 per wk. X 52
Answering Service Machines    $   $20,000 annually-automated system


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Making your Blogs work for you.

10 steps to making a great Blog even better:

Ok, this is your Blogging 1-A class in case you are holding back on writing your Blog.  I’ve done a lot of research for tips which will help draw readers to your Blog. This advice should get you started. 

Once you use these 10 easy tips, your Blog will come alive and come together very easily.  Using these tips will get your Blog noticed.  Don’t forget after you finish posting your blog, to ask people by twitter to see it.  Ask a question at Facebook so that friends will go to the blog link to find out more.  I’ve used examples in my test blog for you to read at livelifealoha blog.

1.  Make your daily Blog TITLE all about our subject matter-aim for our target     market of Hawaii weight loss healthy lifestyle.  Repeat it as necessary.  Notice my test Blog is healthy, nutritious, Hawaii, Lifestyle etc….Add your own author bi-line on the top.  Each Blogger gets credit for their Blog.  If we want our readers to add a Blog, we can get them to start Blogging for us (aka

2. Add one photo or video of interest.  This was hard for me because I didn’t have a good photo that I owned and my photo is “less than.”  I’m going to work on getting a better one for my real post on April 9.

3. In the first paragraph use at least four words or names from the list of the top 10 Google trend words which are being Googled on the day you are posting your Blog.    I used the words Dr. Oz, Nate Berkus, Snooki, Red Sox and Phillies.  This will increase Google search drive for our Blog and if you use the word Google it will automatically flip you into top Google search returns.   For example you can quote a trendy celebrity or link to one of the subject trends if you can tie them to our subject. “How does Lindsey Lohan stay so thin?  It isn’t from running to the courthouse every day; she has a professional trainer….see article link etc…

4. Write about one healthy exercise, food/recipe advice from Hawaii or new Hawaii lifestyle trend or news from Hawaii about exercise, nutrition and health.  Try and work in the word Hawaii more than once since this is our market.   My test blog highlights pre-planning for weight loss success in Hawaii.

5. Keep it to one page-I need extra editing time and I know I need to work on this feature prior to my April 9th post. 

6. Keep it positive, fun and light.

7. Supply at least two links to websites which will give reader extra tips to their weight loss efficiency and supply added information as needed.  Give reader an extra I blogged about Spark Teens and Hawaii Healthy eating out.

8. End with a call to action (CTA).   I promised to publish other people’s great ideas about pre-planning their meals and eating out ideas.

9. Try and Monetize your Blog.  I added a call to action that asked for people to buy our logo wear. Ad sense automatically pops up at the end of each of our Blogs (you don’t have to do anything to get it to come up).

10. Add a widget to make your Blog post unique from Amazon such as an animation, a calendar, a twitter feed.  I added a Google search word RSS newsfeed with the search word Hawaii Fitness and a new video bar at the bottom of the post.

****Special Kudos to Bob for putting our static header on, adding our Beach scene and our new awesome logo.  Looks great Bob.  Thank you for improving the BLOG site!!