
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cost Savings Life Life Aloha-Budget Draft

While a recent HubSpot survey, the company who literally wrote the book on inbound marketing, revealed that inbound marketing cost per lead is 60% lower than traditional outbound marketing.

While the fixed costs of inbound marketing may be lower than traditional advertising and marketing,  the labour cost are higher.  The interesting part about inbound marketing is that  money alone will not dictate who is successful.  Whereas in traditional marketing channels, "he who spends the most, gets the most",with inbound marketing, there really is a greater value placed on developing relevant content and being genuine.  This has allowed many smaller organizations to compete with their much larger counterparts.

See items in RED for cost savings of Live Life Aloha.  All other costs are fixed and are listed in black print.  Costs are based on worst case scenario.


1. Average Rent @ $27.00 per square foot  X 1000 ft. = 2700.00 per month or $336.00 per employee plus $500.00 initial fees for outer islands.
                                                                                                $2700.00 per mo. HNL
                                                                                                $1509.00 per mo.Outer isles.

2. Property Building liability and fire and loss Insurance $1125.00 per year for small office and $1000.00 for employee workman’s comp.

                                                                                                $ 1125.00 annually fire&loss
                                                                                                $   ________ wkman’s comp
                                                                                                $   500.00 liability

3. Office Design-                      window coverings                     $ 1600.00 one time cost
Paint                                         $   350.00 materials- 5 yrs.
Paint                                         $ 3000.00 labor-5 yrs.
Shelving                                    $  750.00 fixed improve
Cabinets                                   $ 2500.00 fixed improve
Storage                                    $ 900.00 one time cost
Desk/workstation/computers     $ _________per employee
office equiptment                      $1600.00

4. Office Maintenance and Cleaning

                                                Cleaning services:                     $ 36,500.00 per annual
                                                Equipment maint.                      $   3,000.00 per annual
                                                New software                           $   ________per annual
                                                Utilities:                                    $    1,200.00 per month
Mail Center                              $   120.00  per month -15                                  
                                                                                                  letters per day.   
5.  Employee Costs:     
                                               Recruitment:                              $ ______per employee X 3 minimum
                                               Medical Costs                           $ ______per employee X 3 minimum
           Accounting                                $ ______consultant X 1 minimum
           Legal fees:                                 $ ______annually X 1 service
           Salaries:                                    $_______per  after 5 years-formula Double actual cost of salaries and then multiply X 3 minimum
           Payroll Taxes                            $ _______% of total salaries.X 3 min.
                                              Other Perks for employees         $ _______annual. per emp.X 3 min.
                                               Customer Service                      $ 84,000 Free Voice mail and/FAQ and on-line troubleshooting
IT Dept.                                   $ 42,000 per year consulting cost
Distribution:                              $ 4,600.00=.92 X 5000 customers = Direct mail cost Free Product uses digital delivery of news and
Pricing of Products                   1-3% of annual total profit- Competitve gain Free Everyday elasticity
Online reduction of taxes          Up to 20% of on-line sales total-Business occurs across state lines-meaning tax collection may not be necessary

6. Advertisement:
Shopping agents                       $ 13% of total on-line sales -Other websites lead business to your door.
Telephone Costs                       $ 250.00 per employee
Telephone Book                       $ 2400.00 -200.00 per month
Search Engine MKT.                $  299.00 annually -Free with webhost
Print Ads                                  $ 10,400 -200 per week X 52
Radio/TV ads                           $  20, 800- 400 per wk. X 52
Answering Service Machines    $   $20,000 annually-automated system


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